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Writer's pictureCourtney Roberts

doing less

new year, new you? ok, so you've seen 467 new year posts already, but here's just one more -- here's to resolving to do less in 2023.

Less worrying, less comparison, less pressure on yourself to do and be it all. Less hurrying, less tidying, less scheduling every last minute of your day.

More being present in the moment you're in.

"Wherever you are, be all there."

Each year I write out my ambitions and I pick a phrase for the year ahead, a mantra if you will. In 2020, gratitude. In 2021, presence. In 2022, my phrase is "hakuna matata."

It means no worries, for the rest of your days (in case you've never heard Timon and Pumba belt it out in a shnazy musical number) but in all seriousness, I want to embrace the quiet moments, and open the door to more peace, more laughter, more gratitude and presence and joy and all those good things in a way that doesn't leave me feeling pressured or ultimately, fatigued.

Ironically, growing up my aunts coined the term "Forced Family Fun," as a way to describe planned activities my teenage cousins would only roll their eyes at, like going for a walk as a family. I'm sure they would rather be with their friends, or playing sports, video games, literally doing anything else then going for a walk with their parents at age 15. But that forced time allowed for more, it allowed for more conversation, memories, traditions. Every thanksgiving morning we now go for a big family walk, a little "forced family fun" we all (mostly) look forward to!

It's a fine line, ain't it? Scheduling fun and embracing spontaneity? In case you couldn't read between these type A lines I'm not one for spontaneous decisions, so allowing myself to do less and leave room for more is a concept I'm trying to embrace this new year.

No, there's no magical change that happens at midnight on January first, but it's a habit, a muscle to work on and flex.




Just being.

I was so pleased when the New Years posts came rolling in that so many others felt the same way!

2023: a year of less.

What's weighing on you, begging to be left in 2022? What's the "less" you want to focus on? What's the "more" you want to leave room for.

Whatever journey you're on, whatever ambitions you carry in your heart, I'm hoping you embrace 2023, I'm hoping you develop those new habits to help you reach your goals, I'm hoping you go with grace and gratitude to yourself and to others.

Cheers, dears! 🥂

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